The Duck
“The Duck,” show here in mid-grey with pink and black leather/white scotched plaid liner, is hitting all of your nostalgic cravings! Waiting on a brim binding of your choice (ribbon or underwelt).
Not a Duck kind of soul? Check out our available color options/trim/accessories under the “Custom Hats” page.
“The Duck,” show here in mid-grey with pink and black leather/white scotched plaid liner, is hitting all of your nostalgic cravings! Waiting on a brim binding of your choice (ribbon or underwelt).
Not a Duck kind of soul? Check out our available color options/trim/accessories under the “Custom Hats” page.
“The Duck,” show here in mid-grey with pink and black leather/white scotched plaid liner, is hitting all of your nostalgic cravings! Waiting on a brim binding of your choice (ribbon or underwelt).
Not a Duck kind of soul? Check out our available color options/trim/accessories under the “Custom Hats” page.